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2 quarts water
3 lemons, chopped, rind and juice
2 onions, chopped
2 cups celery, chopped fine
2 bell peppers, chopped
3 bay leaves
1 can tomato paste
2 bottles tomato catsup (16 oz size)
3-oz jar mustard
4 Tbsp. chili powder
1/4 cup barbecue powder, mesquite
2 Tbsp. smoke-flavored sauce
1 stick butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup ribbon cane syrup
1 Tbsp. crushed red pepper
1 tsp. hot sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
1 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper

Use a deep boiler to mix ingredients. Add water, lemons, onions, bell pepper, celery, and bay leaves. Boil for 25 minutes. Add tomato paste, catsup, mustard, chili powder, mesquite, smoke-flavored sauce, butter, sugar, syrup, red pepper, hot sauce, vinegar, salt and pepper. Simmer for 2 to 2 1/2 hours until thick. Brush on favorite meats.

Yield: about 1 gallon

Uncle Sam
bay leaves

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