Home | Fish | Filleting a Fish
Small Fish - How to Fillet
1. Cut off the head just behind the gills.
2. Hold the fish by the tail. With the knife blade pointing away from you and across the body of the fish, begin to cut toward the head (or at least where the head used to be). Use the backbone to guide your knife.
3. To take the skin off, begin by holding the fillet by the tail, skin side down.
4. Hold the knife crosswise across the fillet and insert the knife between the skin and the flesh. Don't worry if you don't get this perfect at first.
5. While holding the skin, cut in the direction of where the head used to be.
Large Fish - How to Fillet
1. Make a deep cut just behind the gills (about halfway through the thickness of the fish).
2. Cut a slit a few inches in length along the top of the fish (the dorsal side).
3. Using the tip of the knife, separate the flesh from the bones. The fish should open up just like a book.
4. When completely open, finish cutting away the fillet by moving the knife along the "spine of the book."